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Robin  LR 77 (002)

Robin LR 77 (002)



Robin  LR 10 (002)

Robin LR 10 (002)

The '63 Lincoln

The '63 Lincoln

Photo Courtesy of Debra Paulson Photography

The Texas Theater

The Texas Theater

The famous theatre where Lee Harvey Oswald was apprehended. Photo Courtesy of Debra Paulson Photography



Dad and Mary Ann Moorman Krahmer

Dad and Mary Ann Moorman Krahmer

Mary Ann Moorman (who took the famous picture in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd) came to Robin's lecture.



Walking tour in Dealey Plaza

Walking tour in Dealey Plaza

Beverly Oliver in the spot she stood on November 22, 1963 (Robert Groden and Chris Gallop looking on).



In the Kennedy Car

In the Kennedy Car

Looking toward the Triple Underpass Photo Courtesy of Debra Paulson Photography



Plaque at the JD Tippit Murder Site

Plaque at the JD Tippit Murder Site

Photo Courtesy of Debra Paulson Photography

The Oswald Rooming House

The Oswald Rooming House

Photo Courtesy of Debra Paulson Photography

2015 VIP Tour

2015 VIP Tour

Tour with Ex FBI Agent Judge Rountree, Beverly Oliver, Robert Groden, Chris Gallop, and Robin Brown

Dallas Motorcade Route

Dallas Motorcade Route

In route in Dallas with Beverly Oliver, Chris Gallop, and Judge Rountree

Dealey Plaza Walking Tour

Dealey Plaza Walking Tour

Beverly Oliver, Judge Rountree, and Mike Brownlow

Robin Brown and his Kennedy Car

Robin Brown and his Kennedy Car

Pat Hall and Robin

Pat Hall and Robin

Take a tour of Lee Harvey Oswald's Rooming House. Patricia Hall is the granddaughter (current owner) of the original owner from November 1963.



Beverly Oliver with replica camera

Beverly Oliver with replica camera

In the spot she stood on November 22, 1963 with a replica camera.

Our Kennedy Car

Our Kennedy Car

At Oswald Rooming House

At Oswald Rooming House

Side view

Side view

Our JFK Exhibit

Our JFK Exhibit

To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination, we set up an exhibit at the Morton Museum in Gainesville, Texas.

Our JFK Exhibit at Morton Museum

Our JFK Exhibit at Morton Museum

To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination, Robin and Kendal set up an exhibit at the Morton Museum in Gainesville, Texas.

JFK Exhibit at the Morton Museum

JFK Exhibit at the Morton Museum

To commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination, Robin and Kendal set up an exhibit at the Morton Museum in Gainesville, Texas.

Robin and Pete at Parkland

Robin and Pete at Parkland

This was the original site of Trauma Room 1 at Parkland Hospital where Kennedy was taken after shots were fired in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.

Interior of Robin's JFK Car

Interior of Robin's JFK Car

Ex FBI Agent Rountree about to take his 10 hour tour

The back of the Kennedy Car

The back of the Kennedy Car

The Parkland Doctors

The Parkland Doctors

Robin with Dr. Ronald C. Jones and Dr. Robert N. McClelland September 24, 2013 When JFK's limo arrived at the Emergency Room entrance to Parkland Memorial Hospital. A team of doctors worked in vain to save the life of the president. These men are two of the doctors that worked on JFK.

Robin and Jim Jenkins

Robin and Jim Jenkins

Jim attended the Bethesda Autopsy and had very interesting things to share with us at the Lancer Conference that don't match up to what the Warren Commission wanted us to believe.

Clint Hill

Clint Hill

Clint Hill (Jackie Kennedy's Secret Service Agent) placing a wreath at the JFK Memorial in Fort Worth on the morning of the 50th Anniversary.



Lancer was JFK's Secret Service code name and Robin wanted that as the license plate on the car!


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